The MPGA's LONDON SPADE AWARD is made annually at the Association's AGM. It was first awarded in 1970, since when it has been given to a range of very worthy recipients.


The Award is given to a person or organisation who has created, restored or enhanced a park, garden or green space and as a result improves the quality of life and wellbeing for the nearby community.

Often the winning scheme provides a high level of involvement for the local residents, many of whom are volunteers, and brings people together.

Gordon Square
In 2008 the University of London was awarded the Spade for the renovation of Gordon and Woburn Squares and increasing access to the public. Pic: Gordon Square

For London Spade Award winners of previous years click here

In 2022 the Spade was awarded to the London Wildlife Trust for their excellent redevelopment of the Camley Street Nature Reserve which lies between Kings Cross and St Pancras

In 2021 David Shreeve of the Conservation Foundation was awarded the Spade for his outstanding contribution to UK wide conservation

In 2020, in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the LONDON SPADE, for the first time instead of one award the Spade was given to two very deserving recipients. They are in very good company when we look back at the history of the Award.
Tony Leach, Chief Executive of Parks for London, for his outstanding contribution to London's green spaces.
Deptford Folk, led by Trina Lynskey, for the improvement, preservation and protection of Deptford's Parks - Trina's video, shown at the 2020 online AGM, can be viewed here.

Spade Award
2022: London Wildlife Trust for redevelopment of
Camley Street Nature Reserve

Claylands Green
2021: David Shreeve accepting the Spade from MPGA Chairman Rex Thornborough for his contribution to UK wide conservation.

Spade Award
2020: Tony Leach for his outstanding contribution
to London's green spaces

Claylands Green
2020: Deptford Folk led by Trina Lynskey, for the improvement
and protection of Deptford's Parks.

Spade Award
2019: Paul Rochford (right) accepting the Spade from MPGA President Hugh Johnson OBE for his support of the MPGA and London's green spaces

Claylands Green
2017: Roger Taylor (left), accompanied by Sue Taylor (right) accepting the Spade from MPGA President Hugh Johnson on behalf of Taylors Bulbs for their generosity and continuing support of the Bulbs for London initiative.